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The Army of the Immortals: Reclaiming William Jacks

The Army of the Immortals: Reclaiming William Jacks (June 30, 2017) By Lauren Coodley with Danielle Alexander We know so little about Napa in the 19th century.  By focusing on one man’s life and the documents saved by his family, we can begin to imagine the town that...

The Mystery of the Asylum

Napa Asylum, Before reconstruction Why are we so intrigued by the mystery of asylums? These institutions were established in the nineteenth century in America to provide housing for those who were so challenged by life that they could not exist outside its walls. The...

Book Review: A Rumbling of Women

A Rumbling of Women – New book chronicles feminism in Napa 1970-1990 April 27, 2018 | By Lauren Coodley The movement for women’s equality in public and private life did not begin in the 1970s. Though, those of us who participated in it might have thought so....

The Haunting of Soda Springs 

by Lauren Coodley with Cathy Mathews I have reached the inner visionAnd through thy spirit in meI have heard thy wondrous secret.Through thy mystic insightThou hast caused a spring of knowledgeTo well up within me,A fountain of power, pouring forth livingwaters;A...